Nanotechnology- A Whole New World Of Path Breaking Technology And Discoveries

23 rd world nanotechnology congress provides a leading opportunity for the presentation of new advances and innovations, research results in the fields of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials. The goal of the 23 rd world nanotechnology congress is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to provide an environment to exchange ideas and information. 23 rd world nanotechnology congress is going to held on May 29-30, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey. Nanotechnology is the study and application of particularly small things and can be used through all the other science fields, such as biology, chemistry, materials science, engineering, and physics. It is the field of realistic science and technology whose theme is the governor of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, usually 100 nanometers or smaller. Our ability to create big, intricate structures with nanometer precision is quickly varying, and consists of top-down reductiv...